Have you contacted National Enquiry Point? What did you think of the service provided? – Survey now open
HM Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland is assessing how the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) responds to enquiries received by National Enquiry Point, its customer contact centre. Many members of the public, professionals or organisations wishing to contact COPFS will call or email Enquiry Point in the first instance. More information about our inspection can be found in our Terms of Reference.
We want to hear from those who have phoned or emailed National Enquiry Point in the last two years.
If you are a victim, witness, next of kin or an accused person or if you work in the criminal justice system and have contacted National Enquiry Point, we would like to hear more about your views and experiences.
The survey should take five minutes to complete. The deadline for responses is 5.00pm on Friday, 13 September 2024.
The survey has questions about why you contacted National Enquiry Point, how your enquiry was dealt with and how satisfied you were with the service. If you regularly contact National Enquiry Point, when answering the survey questions, you can answer based on how your enquiries are usually dealt with, or how your most recent enquiry was dealt with.
Your response to the survey is anonymous. All the information gathered will be used to help us assess how well COPFS responds to enquiries received by National Enquiry Point.
Complete the survey here -
If you require assistance in completing the survey or require the survey in a different language, please contact us.
If you have any questions about the survey or our inspection, or if you would like to provide the inspection team with more information, please email