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Summary of Recommendations
1. That managers are encouraged to support staff to attend courses, carry out e-learning and pre-course reading by allocating time for this to be done within the working day while giving consideration to business needs. (paragraph 50)
2. That Learning and Development engages with internal stakeholders to ensure that each course has a designated and agreed course sponsor with whom any review should be conducted. (paragraph 67)
3. That in terms of stated strategic commitments to training staff, particularly in relation to the treatment of victims and witnesses, the bereaved, and domestic abuse cases that all relevant staff are identified, offered the appropriate training and that monitoring processes are put in place to ensure that the commitment is fulfilled. (paragraph 75)
4. That the completion of Personal Development Plans is monitored for compliance and a clear delivery route for such plans is devised so that on completion the information contained in these documents is shared locally and nationally to inform managers and Learning and Development Division of the needs and aspirations of the workforce in a timely way. (paragraph 110)
5. That Learning and Development engage with portfolio owners (or by liaison at forum level where a forum has been set up to look at the portfolio work processes) to obtain meaningful contributions to review current training course materials and to identify gaps where a new course might be appropriate. Where it is not clear, Learning and Development should clarify the identity of the course sponsor for each course on the prospectus. (paragraph 115)
6. That membership, remit, aims and objectives of the Learning and Development Division steering group are reviewed for effectiveness. (paragraph 120)
7. That results of evaluation of courses are used to inform learning needs analysis for future courses or review of existing materials and that such evaluation is carried out with reference to views from both delegates and line managers during follow up after the course rather than the instant reaction information currently used. (paragraph 122, see also Recommendation 27)
8. That a system should be put in place to ensure where the new summary case audit process highlights training implications this is communicated to portfolio owners and Learning and Development as required. (paragraph 123)
9. That the Learning and Development Standards Manual is revised and updated for use by all staff in Learning and Development Division, that its use is encouraged and monitored, and that it remains updated to provide a full and comprehensive guide to all staff in Learning and Development Division. Where National Occupational Standards are followed for course accreditation it should be for the Head of Learning and Development to determine if these are sufficient to meet the standards specified in the manual. (paragraph 147)
10. That record keeping of design and quality assurance steps are maintained for audit/inspection purposes, particularly to show that an Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out for the package. (paragraph 165)
11. That version control records are completed and maintained for all course materials. (paragraph 191)
12. That consideration is given to the reintroduction of 'Lessons Learned' logs and the use of these to assist in discussions between trainers at their regular meetings. (paragraph 193)
13. That consideration is given to introducing a mandatory review of each course at specified regular intervals. The minimum period between reviews should be fixed in consultation with the course sponsor at the design stage. (paragraph 199)
14. That course places are allocated by Learning and Development Division for diversity and legal induction modules so that timely attendance at the necessary course is assured and may be monitored. (paragraph 218)
15. That consideration is given to including procedural aspects of solemn court work in legal induction. (Given the findings of the Independent Review of Sheriff and Jury Procedure) (paragraph 224)
16. That in relation to all courses involving precognition work a holistic review is undertaken in consultation with identified course sponsor(s) and that the question of induction into the role of precognoser be taken into account in this review. (paragraph 231)
17. That consideration is given to an induction timetable to include new roles such as managers, precognition officers, Victim Information and Advice staff and those working in Deaths and that monitoring arrangements are put in place to ensure that the proscribed timetable is followed. The Staff Handbook should be updated to this effect. (paragraph 241)
18. That all trainers are consulted in the creation of the Learning and Development Calendar. (paragraph 248)
19. That Learning and Development Division formally review their training prospectus/calendar biannually to take account of immediate learning needs which can be informed through personal development plans and any new courses that have been developed. (paragraph 252)
20. That Learning and Development advise the line manager of each delegate's acceptance on a course. (paragraph 257)
21. That, for ease of access, responsibilities showing Learning and Development contacts for each Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service Area and lead trainers for each course are added to IDEAL. Similarly responsibilities of managers and individuals concerning learning and development (as described in the Staff Handbook) could be placed here. (paragraph 289)
22. That to address the objective of 'providing …. information for the return on investment calculations' Learning and Development Division consider introducing a method of measuring costs against benefits especially for courses that can be specifically linked to changes in performance. (paragraph 323)
23. That all procurement exercises within Learning and Development Division are carried out in accordance with the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service Finance Manual and Scottish Government Procurement guidance particularly in the current financial climate. (paragraph 328)
24. That Learning and Development Division liaise with Crown Office Estates Division to identify a way to address cramped conditions in which staff are currently working as well as issues about storage, temperature and noise. (paragraph 342)
25. That Learning and Development Division liaise with Crown Office Estates Division with a view to determining whether the owners of the building can improve on the main access to the building. (paragraph 360)
26. That minutes of team briefings are kept and shared on the shared Learning and Development Division folder. (paragraph 404)
27. That Area, specialist and local training presentations are lodged with a central repository and we suggest that the Knowledge Bank is ideally placed for this. Responsibility for accuracy should rest with those who create the materials although additional quality assurance and review mechanisms are advisable. (paragraph 433)
28. That Learning and Development Division introduce a system to carry evaluation of training at level 3 (Kirkpatrick model) and in conjunction with strategic leaders that evaluation of training at level 4 is also considered. (paragraph 469)