Terms of reference
In 2020, IPS began publishing terms of reference for each of our inspections. The terms of reference set out the issue we intend to inspect, the scope of the inspection, how we intend to gather evidence and the estimated timescales for the work. The terms of reference are drafted after initial scoping work has been carried out and following preliminary discussions with key stakeholders. By publishing terms of reference, we aim to increase transparency and promote awareness of our work. The terms of reference can also be used as a tool to engage those with an interest in the issue being inspected.
Current inspections
Following up previous recommendations
We are currently assessing progress made by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service in implementing recommendations regarding:
- The management of criminal allegations against the police
In the coming year, we will also consider progress made in implementing recommendations regarding:
- Diversion from prosecution
- The prosecution of domestic abuse cases at sheriff summary level
Citing witnesses in the Sheriff Court
We have commenced an inspection of how witnesses are cited to give evidence in the Sheriff Court. This includes members of the public who have been the victim of a crime or who have witnessed a crime, as well as police and professional witnesses. We will consider whether and how the experience of being cited to attend court can be improved, and whether there is scope to modernise and achieve efficiencies in the citation process. This work will be carried out jointly with HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland, allowing us to consider the citation process from both a prosecution and policing perspective.
If you would like to contribute to this inspection, please contact us.
Future inspections
We have a number of topics currently under consideration for future inspections. If there is an aspect of COPFS work that you think would benefit from independent scrutiny, please contact us.